Nov 2, 2012

Bruce and Sandy

The images from the Eastern Seaboard after Hurricane Sandy came through are devastating. Tonight aired a fundraiser for the millions impacted by the storm, starring several New York and New Jersey natives. Also present was the ultimate Jersey boy, the ultimate spokesman of America's working class. The Boss, a.k.a. Bruce Springsteen.

Bruce has always been praised for his raw, down to earth songs, but this week's events seem to have added a strange twist to his lyrics. Back in 2000, he wrote My city in ruins about Asbury Park, a town on the Jersey Shore that was hit hard by hurricane Sandy a couple of days ago.

There is a blood red circle
on the cold dark ground
and the rain is falling down
the church doors blown open
I can hear the organ's song
but the congregation is gone

And almost frighteningly, his 1973 song 4th of July, Asbury Park is also known under another, more popular title. That title is Sandy. So 40 years ago, could he have been predicting this week's demolishing storm in the beloved summer paradise on the Jersey Shore, with the song opening with:

Sandy, the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight

His songs do provide hope, and there is a dire need for that in Asbury Park and other hard hit areas. So Bruce, keep on rocking. The people need it.

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