Sep 17, 2012

Baas in focus

1, 2, 3..... ACTION!
A piece the size of 'Baas' is not so easy to capture on camera. But we tried to get most, if not all, in focus. From head to chin he measures a full 26 inches, and 10 inches from ear to ear. And he has a lot of depth, relief and texture, as visible on the spooky picture below.

Detail of left cheek and eye, with marigold flower

Detail of his pretty huge cranium with chakras made out of rivolis 
The somewhat unnerving process of grouting, or being bold and confident in covering white beadwork that took you months to create in a black sticky muddy paste. But the result is worth it - as often, the bold and confident own half the world (that's a Dutch proverb................).